Lifestyle27 February 2018
It’s 2018, the year where self care of your physical and mental wellness should be on the top of your New Year’s resolutions list. If it isn’t, there’s no need to fuss because we’re ahead of the game and have a few helpful products to make sure you stay on track of those January promises!

On top of the trends at the moment are Wireless headphones and for only $50 you can pick up a pair from Phone Zone. Whether you’re running to the bus to through the park, wireless headphones are the easiest way to listen to music whilst on the move – and a great and motivating way to boost your mood!
Moving along from your head to your toes, the perfect way to start any fitness goal is with comfort for your feet. The Athletes Foot have a flawless shoe the ‘Asics Gel Kayano’ ($289.95) ready to fit just for you. This shoe is bound to exceed your expectations with its foot hugging experience and strength in stability feature. For a cute matching sock choose ‘Thorlos Experia socks’ also from The Athletes Foot ($39.95). Now you’re one step ahead to grab those New Year’s resolutions by the horns!
Motivation is often a hard one when beginning a new wellness journey, but lucky for you Sarah Wilson and Matilda Rice have already written the way to help guide you further. From starting up in the kitchen Sarah Wilson’s ‘I Quit Sugar’ book ($24.99 at Whitcoulls) features Smoothies, bowls and drinks that will help kick start you to getting out the door with a spring in your step. But if you’re thinking this is all new to you and you need a positive guide to have fun whilst staying healthy, Matilda Rice’s ‘The Lazy Girls Guide to Living a Beautiful life’ ($39.99 at Whitcoulls) is your pathway there. Matilda’s book is truly awesome – we love her and we recommend the read!
The best way to feel your greatest before any work out is to look the part. The Ivy Park crop (Stirling Sports $60) underneath a Adidas Ess Lin Lo tank (Stirling Sports $40) fitted with Adidas TF TIG CA LO leggings (Stirling Sports $65) is your start to a fitness fashion fix. Pair this along with a Nike golf cap ($40 The Frontrunner) and remember your PranaOn Pure Boost pre workout 200g ($38.50 Health 2000) for the ultimate pick me up for your energy levels. Whether you choose to run, walk or hit the weights, your best friend will be an Active Intent exercise towel priced at only $6 at The Warehouse. Bargain!
A great tip to keeping your life refreshing when exercising is to mix up your routine. If you’re over running, walking or weights head to your local pool and swim or aqua jog. Remember a good pair of goggles to protect your eyes (Speedo goggles $40 The Frontrunner) and don’t be afraid to add a splash of colour to your wardrobe with the Adidas Performance Swimming costume ($130 The Frontrunner). Last but not least, remember to keep hydrated no matter the weather, time of day and level of activeness. If you’re in need of a new drink bottle to help you up your water intake, The Big Bottle Co. 2l drink bottle ($30 Stirling Sports) will remind you to always drink more water!

Asics Gel Kayano $289.95 The Athletes Foot | PranaOn Pure Boost pre workout 200g $38.50 Health 2000 | Adidas TF TIG CA LO leggings $65 Stirling Sports | Wireless head phones $50 Phone Zone | Ivy Park crop $60 Stirling Sports | Thorlos Experia socks $39.95 The Athletes Foot | Basics kettlebell $8 The Warehouse | The Big Bottle Co. 2l drink bottle $30 Stirling Sports | I Quit Sugar with Sarah Wilson Smoothies, Bowls & Drinks $24.99 Whitcoulls | Active Intent exercise towel $6 The Warehouse | Active Intent zip-up hoodie $29, The Warehouse | Adidas Ess Lin Lo tank $40 Stirling Sports | NuZest Just Fruit & Vege 250g $34.90 Health 2000 | Redken Pillow Proof dry shampoo $36, Tangle Teezer Elite $28 Rodney Wayne | The Lazy Girls Guide to Living a Beautiful Life by Matilda Rice $39.99 Whitcoulls | Basics training gloves $29, Fila Chrome Dumbbell $25 The Warehouse | Nike golf cap $40, Speedo googles $40, Adidas Performance Swim $130 The Frontrunner