News17 February 2020
Introducing… Click & Collect designated parking spots!
If you fancy a bit of “in and out” when it comes to shopping, and agree a quick dash in to retrieve your purchases makes a great shopping experience, then this is for you!

With over 20 (and growing) Northlands stores now offering Click & Collect, we thought we’d help make that mad rush a little less… mad. Sail into a designated 15 minute limit Click & Collect park, pop in-centre to pick up your stuff and then go about your day (with your brand new treats, of course)!
How easy is that?!
We have 4 parking spaces dedicated to our Click & Collect enthusiasts, at various places around the centre.
The Click & Collect parks are located at:
- Outside the Countdown entrance (off Main North Road) x 2 parks
- To the left of the Farmers entrance (off Main North Road) x 2 parks
General parking terms apply. 15 minute parking only. First-in, first served, no holds.